Current Education Landscape

In today's rapidly evolving world, the educational landscape is marked by an increasing recognition of the importance of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) alongside Intellectual Quotient (IQ). Despite this growing awareness, there remains a significant lack of structured EQ development within formal education systems. Meanwhile, evidence continues to mount in support of multi-sensory learning as a highly effective method for engaging students and enhancing comprehension and retention. However, a cohesive, universally adopted structure for integrating multisensory learning into education, particularly one that balances IQ and EQ, is notably absent.

Studies on multi-sensory learning consistently show that it can significantly improve retention and comprehension. While the exact figures can vary depending on the specific context and the design of the learning environment, it's not uncommon to see reports of increases in retention rates by 30-50% when multi-sensory learning strategies are employed compared to traditional single-sensory methods. Therefore, a perceived estimate for the efficiency gain when adopting a multi-sensory approach (like the one proposed in the balanced state of EQ and IQ integration) could be in this range. This would suggest that the overall efficiency of learning and retention might increase significantly with the balanced approach that integrates multi-sensory learning, potentially by as much as 30-50%.

How effective is Multi-sensory approach?

Quick Intro
Red Vitality, Passion Exciting, Motivating
Orange Creativity, Sociability Uplifting, Stimulating
Yellow Intellect, Confidence Cheerful, Energizing
Green Balance, Growth Calming, Renewing
Blue Tranquility, Peace Soothing, Relaxing
Indigo Intuition, Perception Deeply Calming, Insightful
Violet Spirituality, Inspiration Uplifting, Contemplative
Red Vitality, Passion Exciting, Motivating
Orange Creativity, Sociability Uplifting, Stimulating
Yellow Intellect, Confidence Cheerful, Energizing
Green Balance, Growth Calming, Renewing
Blue Tranquility, Peace Soothing, Relaxing
Indigo Intuition, Perception Deeply Calming, Insightful
Violet Spirituality, Inspiration Uplifting, Contemplative

From the human perspective the 7 rainbow colors provide us with:


Current State of Education (Focus on IQ):

This chart visualizes the dominance of red, symbolizing the focused emphasis on energy and action in current education, primarily centered on IQ. The presence of other colors in smaller segments represents the underutilization of EQ aspects and other emotional and creative competencies in the current educational landscape.


Balanced State with EQ and IQ:

This chart (please read in colours), demonstrates a more harmonious distribution of colors, reflecting an educational approach that values both Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Intellectual Quotient (IQ). The balanced representation of colors like green, blue, indigo, and violet indicates a comprehensive focus on various human development aspects, including balance, calmness, intuition, and imagination, alongside cognitive skills.


What would 2030 look like?
Which one would you choose for our children?

2 - A vibrant, harmonious city where green spaces are intertwined with colorful, eco-friendly buildings. People are interacting joyfully in community spaces, technology is seamlessly blended with nature, and the sky is clear and bright. This image reflects the positive transformation that could occur if Pixtoria's principles of balanced EQ and IQ integration are implemented today.

1 - A bustling, congested cityscape with gray buildings, heavy traffic, and people in a hurry. The sky is smoggy, indicating pollution and a general feeling of stress and disarray. This scene represents the world if current trends continue without an emphasis on emotional intelligence and holistic education.

Chose Responsibly...

What's it going to be...
Red Pill or Blue Pill?

Click to choose