Science behind Pixtoria's 7 Pillars of Colour

Based on the seven colors of the rainbow and their psychological connotations, here's a breakdown of their potential effects on learning and engagement in your Pixtoria storybook and activity set...

Amir Azizpour

1/4/20242 min read

Colors and their effects on learning in Pixtoria:

Based on the seven colors of the rainbow and their psychological connotations, here's a breakdown of their potential effects on learning and engagement in your Pixtoria storybook and activity set:

1. Red:

  • Effects: Stimulating, energizing, motivating, increases attention, encourages action, can lead to impulsivity.

  • Learning applications: Introductions, exciting challenges, action sequences, promoting risk-taking.

  • Ideal combination: Blue or green to balance the energy and prevent overwhelm.

2. Orange:

  • Effects: Uplifting, enthusiastic, encouraging, sparks creativity, promotes social interaction.

  • Learning applications: Teamwork activities, brainstorming sessions, creative exercises, introducing new concepts.

  • Ideal combination: Blue or green to add calming balance, purple for deeper creative exploration.

3. Yellow:

  • Effects: Optimistic, cheerful, promotes focus and concentration, aids memory and recall.

  • Learning applications: Problem-solving exercises, quizzes and reviews, information-dense passages, encouraging optimism and perseverance.

  • Ideal combination: Green or purple to enhance focus and learning retention.

4. Green:

  • Effects: Calming, relaxing, promotes balance and growth, encourages perseverance and focus.

  • Learning applications: Challenging tasks requiring sustained effort, calming moments in the story, reflection exercises, promoting problem-solving skills.

  • Ideal combination: Orange or yellow to maintain engagement and motivation, blue to further enhance calmness.

5. Blue:

  • Effects: Peaceful, calming, promotes trust and security, encourages analytical thinking.

  • Learning applications: Introductions to new characters or storylines, calming down after challenging tasks, reflection and critical thinking exercises.

  • Ideal combination: Red or yellow to add a spark of excitement, orange for social interaction and communication.

6. Indigo:

  • Effects: Intuitive, introspective, fosters empathy and understanding, encourages deep thinking and problem-solving.

  • Learning applications: Moral dilemmas and ethical questions, brainstorming complex solutions, moments of deep contemplation and self-reflection.

  • Ideal combination: Yellow or green to maintain clarity and focus, orange for creativity and social connection.

7. Violet:

  • Effects: Imaginative, inspiring, promotes innovation and out-of-the-box thinking, fosters emotional connection.

  • Learning applications: Creative challenges and brainstorming, introductions to fantastical elements, encouraging dream and goal setting.

  • Ideal combination: Orange or yellow to spark initial ideas, red for motivation and action, green for emotional balance.

The Learning Journey Through Colours - Route 1:

  • Start with yellow or green to set a focused and welcoming tone.

  • Introduce red or orange to spark curiosity and engage in initial challenges.

  • Use blue or green for moments of reflection and problem-solving.

  • Incorporate purple or violet for creative exercises and introspective moments.

  • Balance the energy with complementary colors to avoid overwhelming children.